Job position “Co-founder” at Economadia
Hey there, doing good?
It’s Jorin here, co-founder of Economadia. I am a big fan of traveling, in my heart I will always be a rebel, love living healthy, learning new things (especially languages) and sweets (which is not so super healthy).
I recently stumbled upon the term “neo-generalist” which basically means that one knows an array of things but has no super deep specialization in anything. I believe that corresponds to me. I have never worked in the cooperate world (maybe an internship) which I might want to believe has spared myself from a bunch of things in life. Dunno. I never went on this classic career path with having a mortgage, two kids and a wife, and embracing the Thanks-God-it’s-Friday-mentality. Thanks God I would say.
I am basically a big advocate of taking over responsibility in one’s own life, to look at the shitty sides of oneself, to be recklessly honest with yourself, to accept that we all are biased and making bad decisions all the time. That’s why I am also quite sympathizing with most of what Mark Manson writes. Google this guy if you never heard of him.
Alright, let’s get this straight here:
I have been running Economadia since a couple of years now. In September this year it’s going to be 5 years actually. A good time to sit back for a little while and to think about what that all is actually supposed to be for.
You might or might not know how it is: when you are fully involved into something you are not able to look at this something from the outside to get a neutral and more chilled view on it. I’ve realized that I am having this ivory tower syndrome, i.e. you are trying to come up with something super-dupa cool which you had created somehow in your own little box somewhere. Well, Economadia had some really cool results already and I believe that can be done much better.
I love doing the different things for Economadia. And in fact, 95% of all of the content has been originated by me. I am an okay writer and type down a blog article whenever I feel like. I came up with a couple of podcast episodes and even received my first inquiries for giving a workshop or a talk on an event. Cool beans!
But honestly: it’s not only a bit boring at times when doing that all by myself, it’s also very easy sometimes to lose focus, to quickly get lost into too many details forgetting the overarching purpose. You know, the ivory tower.
What I have in mind about Economadia
I firmly believe that the basic idea of combining location independence with entrepreneurship, living in nature, community, sustainability and the best of technology has huge potential. And yes, I am still envisioning to co-create a rural coworking and coliving space, to begin with. Somewhere in a warmer part of Europe.
I have thought about many different things of what Economadia could be: a rural coworking and coliving space (yep, I am still up for that!), organizing so-called workations for people who are interested in getting a pinch of this lifestyle (tried to organize them already but I think my marketing skills suck), maybe a think tank (which needs more than one person), organizing an (online) event about said topics, maybe even a whole regenerative digital nomad village as a star example for living sustainable……
You know, for me it’s okay if you don’t start out with the gazillion business idea right out of the gate. That was never really my intention here and especially with such a huge topic you need to start somewhere. Sometimes it’s also okay that you understand only after a while what you’re doing the whole shizzle for.
For Economadia I feel it’s due to make a serious business case out of it. And there are definitely a bunch of very interesting opportunities as I was quickly outlining above.
What has happened and been achieved so far?
Economadia has started out in 2016 with the idea of combining digital nomads and so-called eco villages. Well, that was maybe a bit of hippiesh-backpacker-style-idea, but hey…….at least we created a first event in an eco village near Tarifa, Spain. And that was quite a good jump start back then.
In 2017 co-founder Jorin together with his partner had the chance to have a pilot project of a rural coworking and coliving place in the north of Portugal. And you might be knocked out of your socks now that we called it the Economadia Coworking Farm. It was unfortunately not possible to continue at that venue.
In 2018 we tried to find another place to follow-up with this idea but with no success, also due to private reasons. I mean, whilst pursuing super great projects we also needed to make ends meet ourselves.
That was the case in the following years and so I rather concentrated on creating content and partnerships. I had tons of talks with other people who like this idea. I found more initiatives that pursued a more or less similar approach. More and more people with real projects on the ground came across, asked for information, inspiration, exchange.
With the upcoming of Corona in early 2020 this topic of working remote, living in big cities vs. in nature, community, digital nomads, sustainability and whatever not got to a new level for sure. Quiz question here: guess who were the winner last year: people in an city apartment without balcony or people living in a community in nature with like-minded people being able to make an income remote?
Below some impressions of the Economadia Coworking Farm project in 2017
I am looking for someone who first of all is invested him/herself into the general topic.
You should be entrepreneurial minded, have some online marketing skills or business development ideas. It’s totally up to you how many hours you can and want to cut out of your weekly schedule as I cannot pay you for the first time. Sure, once we make money I can do that. Oh and if you know properly English, I mean better than me, that would be awesome, too!
Of course, this is also a great chance for you to learn new things, to start building a network of like-minded people. Ultimately we need to get along well and have the feeling that this can lead to a fruitful collaboration. That is my interest, that should be your interest, too.
If you read this stuff until here and you feel excited about that opportunity, why don’t you hit the button below here and shoot a message? Tell a bit about you, share a link of your LinkedIn or Facebook profile. No worries, we are all cool kids here 🙂
Thanks for your attention and looking forward to hearing back from you!